

2006 - 2017

Studio Hart was a small contemporary art gallery, located in the heart of the Allentown arts district in Buffalo, New York.  Gallery owners Barbara and Daniel Hart held a high standard for the works presented, while also providing freedom for the artists to choose their own exhibit content, including creative experimentation.  The gallery mounted 11-12 exhibits annually from 2006 to 2017.



 October 31 Robert Hirsch “Shining Brow”

 December Kara Daving, Cynnie Gaasch, Ani Hoover



 January - Feb 1   Ted Wetherbee 

 February Carl Ciarenza “Solitudes and The Peace Warriors”

 April Keith Johnson, “Ground/Cover”

 May “Winter Silence” Linda Gale Gellman

 October Tom Neff “Holding Out and Hanging On”

 November Nate Larson, Charlatans & Tricksters

 “Various Big Fires” Jean-Michel Reed



 January Works by Tom Annear, Pragna Wood, Priscilla Bowen, Robert John Holland and Georgia Trimper (Curated by Cynnie Gassch)

 February 12 - March 22 Quiet Life: Madagascar Paintings by Joseph Radoccia

 March New Photographic Works by Dennis DeHart

 May 9, Barbara Baird “May Flowers”

 Gerald Mead: “New Assemblages”, Studio Hart, Buffalo, NY

 Oct. 17 Cynnie Gaasch “Meditations on Summer”

 November “Eyes on the World” Linda Gale Gellman, Nancy J. Parisi, Robert Schulman



 Feb 9 …inside out…. Paintings by Pragna Hathi Wood

 March - Dianne Baker and Georgia Trimper

 April 10 - May 2 Nathan W. Naetzker

 May: Lawrence Brose: New Prints From De Profundis

 July 10 - Aug 5Only the Stones Remain: Photographs by Ed Healy

 September 4 Test Color: Paintings by Ani Hoover

 October 23 -November 25 Refugee: Photographs by Brendan Bannon

 December - Studio Hart- 3rd Anniversary Reunion Show including Georgia Trimper, Barbara Baird, J-M Reed, Cynnie Gaasch, Molly Jarboe, Priscilla Bowen, Robert Schulman, Nate Larson, Dennis DeHart, Carl Chiarenza, Nancy Parisi, Linda Gale and more. 65 Allen Street; 6-9 pm



January, Found Art, Dianne Baker

 February 5, Love for Sale: Lauren Braun, Lisa Forrest & Andrew Rippeon, Molly Jarboe, Rob Lynch, Amy Meza Luraschi, Nancy J. Parisi, Christine Walsh, Adam Weekley

 March 5 - April 1, Extended Outlook: New Work by Adele Henderson

 April 2 - May 5 “Espaces” Andre Fradette

 May 7 - June 3COTE D'AZUR - MEMORIES OF SOUTHERN FRANCE — Monotypes by Ann Bonte

 June “Street Art” Photographs by George Arthur

 July“Housing Bubble” New Photographs by JM Reed

 Sept 3 -30 River of Sound: Photographs & Drawings by Nancy J. Parisi

 October “Thresholds of Visibility: A Survey of Miniature Art” curated by Gerald Mead; Jason D’Aquino, Felice Koenig, Connie Minecci, Amanda Besl

 November 5 Hans Gindlesberger, New Work from the series ‘I’m in the Wrong Film’



 February Love For Sale

 March “Recounting Ephemera” Monica Angle

 August 8 Amy Greenan, New Work

 120 Years: Buffalo Society of Artists Small Works Invitational Studio Hart

 June: Rita Arge Auerbach

 July, A Garden Party: Floral Paintings by Martha Burns Marlette and Ruth McCarthy

 Sept. 3 “How Bright the Tangled Night” Molly Jarboe and Maria Pabico LaRotonda

 Oct 7 - Nov 2 “Architectural Buffalo: Photographs by Biff Heinrich, David Steele and Andy Olenick

 Fotini Galanes



 Jan. 6 Photographs by Patricia Layman Bazelon

 Feb.Love for Sale III, curated by Molly Jarboe, Lauren Braun, Amy Greenan, Ani Hoover, Doug Lambert, Amy Meza Luraschi, Julian Montague, Jan Nagle, Maria Pabico LaRotonda and Craig LaRotonda, Nancy J. Parisi, Kate Parzych, Allen Shelton and Molly Jarboe (Collaboration), Ginny Rose Stewart, Elizabeth Switzer, Christine Walsh and Adam Weekley (Collaboration)

 Mar 2 - April 4, Recent Work by Fotini Galanes

 April 6New Paintings by Scott Dedecker

 May4 - 29“Youthful Indiscretions: New Works on Paper by Amanda Besl and Adam Weekley

 June “Circles! An Invitational Exhibition

 Aug. "Presto! Recent Work by Tom Holt"

 Sept.7 “Uncommon Threads” curated by Gerald Mead, featuring Jozef Bajus, Hillary Fayle, Darien Johnson, Brian Kavanaugh, Marissa Lehner, Amanda Maciuba, Scott McCarney, Sara Baker Michalak, Dorothy Rapp, Elizabeth Switzer and Sara M. Zak

 Oct.5 - 27“Figment: Paintings by A.J. Fries and Barbara Baird”

 Nov 3David Mitchell: A Selection of Prints from the Project AND/THEN

 Dec 7 Tis the Season: Artists Interpret the Holidays: Josef Bajus, Christopher Galley, Ani Hoover, A.J. Fries, Amy Greenan, Kate Parzych, Robert Hirsch, Ann Muntges, Maria Pabico LaRotonda, Flo Kane



 Feb 1- March 28, Love for Sale

 May 3 Migration Measured: Works on Paper by Jody Hanson

 Nov. 1 “Partially Present” JM Reed , David Mitchell, Monica Angle……

 June 14 “god heads” Bruce Adams

 Aug 2 “Facing Facts” Mark Palmer

 Sep 13 New Talent” 4 under 30: Max Collins, Evan Hawkins, Alicia Paolucci, Catherine Willett

 Oct 4Old Talent: One Over Sixty: Photographs by Mark McLoughlin

 Nov 1 Partially Present: A Group Invitational

 December 5 “Unicorns and Rainbows” AJ Fries, Ani Hoover, Lizz Switzer, Adam Weekley, Amanda Besl, Tom Holt, 



 February “Love for Sale: Secrets & Lies” curated by Molly Jarboe, includes Anne Muntges, Ani Hoover, Debra Eck, Esther Neisen, Elizabeth Lambert Mararian, Kurt Treeby, Ginny Rose Stewart, Lizz Switzer, Molly Jarboe

 March 7, Patrick Willett “Currents”

 April 4 Ginny Rose Stewart “Femme”

 May 2, Esther Niesen: Let’s Talk

 June 6 "Rita's Choice: Inspiring Friends” Dana Fox Jenkins, Carol Kellogg, Norinne Spurling, Melanie Voboril,  Jan Agati Abbarno

 Sept. Micro-Architecture: New Collages by Gerald Mead 

 Oct. 3 Ann Bonte

 Nov/Dec. 7 Toy Store, Rich Tomasello, Michael Mararian, Robert Hirsch, Kurt Treeby, Esther Neisen, Bruce Adams, Gerald Mead, Ani Hoover



 Jan 9-31 “Buffalo: A Work In Progress” Carol Case Siracuse, Chris Hawley, Sara Zak

 Feb. “I Hart Buffalo” curated by Molly Jarboe, artists Buffalo Horticulture, Viktoria Ciostek, Lukia Costello, Lindsay Dedario, Chris Hawley, Molly Jarboe, Matt Kenny, Julian Montague, David Torke

 April 3 “Great Valley Sketchbook” by Tom Rooney

May 1: “Waters’ Edge” Monica Angle, Barbara Baird, Brendon Bannon, A.J. Fries, Mark Palmer, 

Kate Parzych, Paula Sciuk

 June 5 Garden Walk “Artists and Gardens”

 Aug. 7 “Apparitions Through Time” Hayley Carrow and Catherine Willett

 Sept.4 UNCLAD: Male Figurative Works, Curated by Gerald Mead: Bruce Adams, Nick Butler, Max Collins, Kevin Kline, Craig LaRotonda , Cristiano F. Lopes, Michael Mararian, Thom Neill, Paul Rybarczyk, Donald J. Siuta, C.J. Szatkowski, Chuck Tingley, Adam Weekley, Mark Zahm

 Oct.2-31 Portraits: Works on Paper by Joe Radoccia

 Nov. 6 Toy Store: Bruce Adams, Bob Collignon , Linda Collignon, Cynnie Gaasch, Barbara Hart, Ani Hoover, Billy Huggins, Candace Keegan, Bethany Krull, Amy Luraschi, Ruth McCarthy, Gerald Mead, Esther Neisen, Deborah Petronio, Joe Radoccia, Elizabeth Switzer, and Richard Thomasello.





Jan. 8 “The Rest is Silence” Amy Greenan and Elizabeth Switzer

 Feb.5Everything is Beautiful, and Nothing Hurts, Craig LaRotonda and Maria Pabico LaRotonda

 March 4 “Far From the Tree” curated by Bruce Adams, featuring Kristin Brandt, Keith Harrington, Christina Laing, Todd Lesmeister, Matthew Myers, and Nicole Wurstner

 April1 : Soft Bodies by Esther Neison

 May6, “Flower Burst!”  Rita Argen Auerbach, Ani Hoover, Polly Little, Kate Parzych, Dale Schwalenberg, and Carol Case Siracuse. 

 June 3 “We Were Here Once Before” Evan Hawkins

 Aug.5 “Burn the Bridges” new work by Max Collins

 Sept. 2 “FACETS” Patrick Willett and Catherine Willett

 October 7: Daily Diversions: Notebook Sketches by Chuck Tingley

 Nov 4, “Art Toys” Bruce Adams, Mary Begley, Bob Collignon, Linda Collignon, Eric Evinczik, AJ Fries, Barbara Hart, Ani Hoover, Billy Huggins, Candace Keegan Masters, Amy Meza Luraschi, Esther Neisen, Kate Stapleton Parzych, Deborah Petronio, Chuck Tingely, Adam Weekley

Dec. 2, Luminous Reflections: Photographs by Catherine Tilou



 January Sail Away, Peter Fowler, Barbara Hart, Daniel Hart, and Dale Schwalenberg

 February We Were Here

 March Mining the ArchivesNew Assemblages by Gerald Mead

 April coda   Dave Buck, Elizabeth Leader, Bob Collignon